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    Sunday, December 05, 2004

    FOP 3 Gun Match

    Just won the inaugural 3gun FOP charity championship at Fayetteville, NC. Great match, great people, great time! Thanks to Rick Porter and everyone involved with putting it on.

    The stages required you to:
    Shoot from a four story tower.
    Breach a door to a surprise six room kill house and shoot the bad guys that you had been shown the photo's of.
    Shoot from an APC.
    Shoot under a car sideways with a handgun.
    Shoot off a motorcycle with a rifle - it wasn't moving.

    Lessons learned:
    1. Check all your equipment before and try it out on a full run before you go. I used a G17 by CustomGlock.com with a Safariland drop holster. With the extended mag button and how physical the match was - some mags got left behind until I figured out what was going on and grabbed a dremel.
    2. Make sure you are putting your gear on the recommended way. I attached the velcro belt quick connect from http://www.3gungear.com backwards and after getting off the motorcycle and then running - 6 shotgun speed loaders FLEW all over the place! Yes, I have it on video. Wow, what a way to look like an idiot having a yard sale! Stuff was laying everywhere!
    3. Know your angles and holdovers. We had a 50 degree (roughly) angle shot on a 25 yard plate with the rifle. Have your dope and data down or bring a palm pilot with you with the A-Trag software or Perry systems loaded up and ready. I had that, but, forgot to charge the damn thing. :-( Didn't make much of a difference in the match, but, would have been nice to know.
    4. Explosive charges are LOUD. Been awhile since I have breached doors. Here is a hint, double plug and when the bang goes - get moving. Some people just stood there and had to be shoved into the kill house.

    Will post more when I get some sleep this next week.

    Take care,

    1 comment:

    VileBill said...

    Keep up your blog! I'd like to see more thoughts on shooting with both eyes open; as yet I can't get myself to do it. I've just watched Disk 1 of "Practical Shooting" and what has helped most significantly so far. . .Grip and the "pinch and roll!!" Amazing! I, like those you mention in one of your blog posts, was shooting left (it's the sights...NOT!), until I got that weak-hand grip under the trigger guard as demonstrated...what a difference!

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