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    Tuesday, July 08, 2008

    July 08 Thoughts

    I am going to be bringing back my old blogger and updating that regularly. It looks to be a fairly simple one to update on my end with little tips and match stories etc..

    Just to catch up over the summer with my students and subscribers. I am currently in North Dakota for the Lee family reunion (Mom’s side of the family). Just finished up with a couple of wins, the Kentucky State 3 Gun Championship and the MGM IronMan. I am writing up an article on the IronMan which should be ready to go by the time I get back to AZ this week. I also shot some footage at both matches, including a few incredible helmet cam videos, that I will get edited by the end of July.

    It has been an interesting year, can’t believe it is nearly half over!
    It is going to be interesting seeing what happens to the budgets of the average shooter with the increase in costs of gas and ammunition. I believe this is going to have a dramatic effect on new shooters entering into the sport as it significantly raises the financial bar for entry.

    A few money saving tips for you:
    1. Get a .22 handgun or rifle and practice with those.
    2. Really develop your dryfire regimen. Remember that recoil control is the main shooting skill that you can’t work on in dryfire. Everything else you can. Draws, reloads, movement skills, mental game practice etc…
    3. Buy components in bulk with other members of your club.
    4. Be selective and really picky about your practice regimen. When you do get time and money to go to the range to practice, track every round and make every bullet down range count!

    Good luck out there and if you have some ideas for saving some money, drop them into the thread

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